Massachsetts' State Use Law
All State Agency's Please Read...Thank You

Section 134 - Chapter 6 G.L. As Enacted By 535 Acts 1966
The state purchasing agent, such officer in charge of
state institutions as may be authorized by him to make
purchases and officers in charge of other public institutions
shall purchase brooms, mops, pens and other supplies, other than
products of prison labor, from the Commission for the Blind;
Provided, that the Commission has the same for sale and that
they were produced by persons under the supervision of the
Commission or in industrial schools or workshops under its
supervision. Said purchasing agent and officers shall, when
employing persons for piano tuning, cane seating or mattress
renovation, employ persons who are under the supervision of
said Commission or who work on such industries school or
workshop. Any officer who willfully refuses or neglects to
comply with any requirement of this section relative to the
purchase of agencies and employment of persons shall be
punished by a fine not more than one hundred dollars.
The term "Public Institution", as used in this section, shall
include all offices, departments and institutions of the
several counties, cities and towns. The Commissioner may
issue a release from the provisions of this section upon
request of the purchasing officer of a county, city or town
when convenience or emergency requires it.