Ever been on a web page that will go to
another web page without clicking on anything ?
That is done with the "Meta Refresh" code.
It is great for making slide shows or splash pages.
The number value in the code is in seconds.
The amount of seconds determines when the
second page will start to load. I have 10 seconds
in the example code below, you adjust this value
to your needs on your web page.
Copy & Paste the code to your web page.
Place the code between the <HEAD> & </HEAD> tags.
The "Meta Refresh" code can also be used
to create two sounds on a web page.
This is done by entering the second sound
URL or file name into the Meta Refresh code.
Your first sound will play using the basic sound
code that we learned in the Html Course.
It is important to set the time, in seconds, into the
Meta Refresh code. This starts the loading of the second
sound as soon as the first sound is finished playing.
You will have to count the number of seconds the
first sound plays, so you can have this infomation
to input into the Meta Refresh code.
So let's say your first sound plays for 10 seconds.
You will input that 10 seconds into the Meta Refresh
code. This will load the second sound 10 seconds
after the the web page loads, so adjust this value so
it kicks in after the first sound has already played.
Here is a example of the Meta Refresh code for two sounds.
Place the code between the <HEAD> & </HEAD> tags.
Again I Have 10 seconds in the example code below.
You adjust this value to your needs on your web page.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"
content="10; URL=http://the second sound URL">
You will also need a code to play your first sound.
This can be the "bgsound" code or the "embed" sound code.
I will use the "embed" sound code for my example.
Place the regular sound code for your first sound,
right after the