These tags are called anchors. Text or images can be used as anchors. An anchor will make the text or image clickable to another page on the internet. These are called links.
Anchors Open With:
<A HREF="...">
Anchors Close With:
Here is a sample code for text as an anchor:
<A HREF="">
Click Here For Draac.Com</A>
Here is a sample code for image as an anchor. Note: Use the border="0" tag to prevent the image link from having a "hightlight box" around it when viewed with a computer.
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="aruba.jpg" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?" BORDER="0"></A>
To make an internal link to one of your files. To create a home or back or next button to one of your other Web Pages. Lets call your second page index2.html. This is a sample code of how to do that.
<A HREF="index2.html">On To Next Page</A>
An image may also be used for an internal link.
Here is the thumbnail code used:
<A HREF="aruba.jpg">
<IMG SRC="aruba.jpg" HEIGHT="50" WIDTH="65" BORDER="0">
If you would like just text to click to an image, use this code:
<A HREF="aruba.jpg">
Click For Aruba Photo</A>
<A HREF="sample.mid">
Click Here For Sample Sound</A>
Here is an image as a sound anchor:
<A HREF="sample.mid">
<IMG SRC="aruba.jpg" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?" BORDER="0"></A>