Hypertext Markup Language HTML 5 uses the combined technologies of HTML 4.01, DOC Level 2 HTML, and XHTML to generate web pages. The new language is designed to reduce dependency on proprietary RIA technologies for the generation of animated pictures such as Adobe Flash, Sun JavaFX, and Microsoft Silverlight. The perception of a new HTML was designed in 2004 by Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The revised version of HTML is in use now but work on HTML 5 has yet to be completed.
There are two major changes in HTML5. Firstly, there is the introduction of standard tags such as < audio >, < video >, and < canvas > for depicting animation and drawing. Secondly, there is the dropping of tags such as < font > and < centers >. Both these tags are now managed by CSS. The new features of HTML 5 were designed to incorporate the features of DOM, CSS, and JavaScript in HTML. Further, an error handling methodology has been designed to provide higher flexibility. The new features will allow the use of more mark ups, rather than scripts, and the complete language will be an independent structure that will be visible to the user. In this way, the user can do modifications at any level with ease.
Here are some of the major features added in HTML 5.
Some new elements have been added in HTML 5 that provides better support for drawing, images, audio, and video files. New form elements have been added and new input elements are supported by the new version. For formatting a text in a page, header and footer tags have been introduced. There are other options for supporting Chinese characters such as and < rt >. To record time and date, a new tag < time > can be used. Some new elements are designed to differentiate between user and author such as isindex or plaintext.
HTML 5 is still in the developmental phase and some attributes have been added to make it simple for the user to author content. Some of the tags in prior version have been modified and a number of elements and attributes have been removed from HTML 5. Most of the presentation elements have been deprecated because presentation of a web page can be handled in CSS. Frames have been removed because it created presentation problems with different browsers. Some tags were obsolete and rarely used so they have been removed and replaced with better options. The elements which have been removed from HTML 5 are
HTML5 has support for global tags and APIs. APIs are required for creating web applications. API can be used for audio or video, and it also supports offline web application. The drag and drop features has been introduced with the “dragable” attribute. The HTMLDocument interface has been added, which enables the user to use classes and objects. For navigation, “allow-top-navigation” has been added which allows the user to navigate embedded content. HTML 5 provides an easy to write script language that can be used for designing an interactive webpage. It’s independent of Third Party web tools.
Check these links to find more information on HTML 5 and HTML5 tutorial.