HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, uses codes known as tags to tell web browsers how to display the information on a web page from the layout to the color and font of the text. An HTML tag is a keyword enclosed in brackets that specifies what the text between the tags should look like, where it should appear on the web page, and how it should function (either as plain text, moving text or a hyperlink). For example, if the heading of the webpage is “All About HTML” and the developer would like to make the heading font bold, they would type All About HTML. The first tag < is the opening tag, and tells the web browser when to begin displaying font in a certain way. The last tag > is the closing tag, which tells the browser when to stop displaying the font in a certain way. The current HTML 4.01 specification has a complete list of the current HTML tags used by web developers, with over 90 tags specified. While learning HTML can be difficult for some, there is plenty of information out there to teach both basic and more complex HTML coding and tags.

  • World Wide Web Consortium Provides the most current list of HTML tags from the HTML 4.01 specification.
  • University of Texas Provides a detailed description of how to change the font color of a web page using HTML tags.
  • Stanford University Provides the tags needed to format a paragraph in HTML, as well as shows what the final product will look like.
  • Loyola College Provides detailed instructions on how to add an image or graphic to a web page.
  • Brooklyn College Outlines the basics of HTML tags as well as details how to insert a hyperlink in a website.