Colored Lines


Vertical Colored Lines

Creating A Vertical Colored Line

This vertical colored line will work with MSNTV, IE and Netscape, provided you use a 1 X 1 clear.gifinside the table cell. Upload the clear.gif to your web page files.

Copy and paste this small table code below then edit to size and your choice of color.

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900" width="4" height="300">
<img src="clear.gif" width="4" height="300"></td>

Horizontal Colored Lines

Creating A Horizontal Colored Line

This horizontal colored line will work with MSNTV, IE and Netscape, provided you use a 1 X 1 clear.gif inside the table cell. Upload the clear.gif to your web page files.

The trick to getting the horizonal line to display the assigned height is to place the </td> tag on the same line as the clear.gif. The </td> tag must be touching the > bracket at the end of the image line of code or it will not work right.

Copy and paste this small table code below then edit to size and your choice of color.

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#FF9900" width="300" height="4">
<img src="clear.gif" width="300" height="4"></td>

Note: the width and height values shown here are in pixels, you can also use percentages.