" + "\r" + "My Frame Page" + "\r" +"" var nf="" + "\r" + "You need a frames capable browser to view this page." + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" var f="" var bc="bordercolor=blue>" var MW="marginwidth=0" var MH="marginheight=0" //End of variables function framesa() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function framesb() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function framemixa() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function frames3v(){ document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function frames3h(){ document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function framemixb() { document.Framer.Fillit.value=top + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + "" + "\r" + f + "\r" + f + "\r" + nf } function Copy(){ if (document.Framer.Fillit.value=="") { alert ('The top box is empty. Please enter a script by clicking one of the frames buttons.') } else { document.Framer.Pastebox.value=document.Framer.Fillit.value } } function view(){ if (document.Framer.Pastebox.value=="") { alert ('The paste box is empty. Please enter a script by clicking the Copy/Edit button.') return false; } else { alert('If you like the results, remember to paste it to a text editor!') boat = open ("","DisplayWindow") see = parent.document.Framer.Pastebox.value boat.document.write (see) return true; } } function Instruct(){ help = open("","helpWindow","resizable=yes,location=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=500,height=250") help.document.write("Frame Builder Help") help.document.write("


") help.document.write("

1. Load a frame script into the top box by clicking one of the 6 pre built frame scripts buttons.") help.document.write("

2. Copy the script to the bottom box using the Copy/Edit button. Edit the script from the bottom box. If a mistake is made, a fresh copy will allways be available in the top box to compare or to reload.

") help.document.write("


") help.document.write("
  • Make sure to change the frame src=???.htm to YOUR pages and rename name=?? to suit.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Change the width or height of the frames by changing frameset Cols/Rows=?%.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Deleting noresize=yes allows movable frames.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Deleting bordercolor defaults to the Netscape grey bars.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Changing bordercolor to border=no hides the bars.
  • ") help.document.write("
  • Changing scrolling=??? to auto or yes allows PAGE scrolling.
  • ") help.document.write("

    3. When satisfied with your changes in the bottom box, hit View to see the frames in a new window.

    ") help.document.write("

    5. When happy with how the frames look and operate, paste the script to a text editor. Save it as an .html file.

    ") help.document.write("

    ") help.document.bgColor=('deepskyblue') help.document.close() }

    Frames Maker